Jing Jin Cuisine | 京津园
Xiao Han
Xiao Han is a Saskatoon-based artist and curator originally from Wuhan, China. Using photography, Han’s research-creation projects investigate gender issues, diaspora identity, and decolonial practices. Han has curated numerous exhibitions collectively with artists and art institutions in Canada and China as an independent curator.
Xiao Han 是来自中国武汉的艺术家和策展人。现居于加拿大萨斯卡通。 Han 的主要研究创作项目是通过摄影来研究性别问题、侨民身份确认和去殖民实践。作为独立策展人,Han 与加拿大还有中国的艺术家和艺术机构共同策划了许多学术交流与展览项目。
Artist Statement | 作品简介:
Jing Jin Cuisine’s owner has always been an art enthusiast and is always eager to support artists by becoming a reception caterer for AKA Artist-run center next door. To organize this project, I want to bring art into their environment, making art education comforting and accessible for Jing Jin and other Asian restaurants. The Jing Jin couple has served the local community for twelve years since 2009. The most intriguing part to me is the owner had never renovated the space. Their tremendous impact on the building and to the community is from their food and care. I took this photograph while this couple stood behind the building. In this image, the Jing Jin couple becomes part of the landscape where they make their living. This photograph records the imprints of the Jing Jin couple’s twelve years of coexistence with historical architecture.
京津园的老板是一个艺术爱好者,一直以来都热衷于支持艺术家。他们与隔壁AKA艺术家中心长期合作,以提供艺术展览开幕式的小吃。虽然如此, 京津园的老板对相邻的艺术空间始终感到神秘而有距离感。为此, 我想到建立艺术与公民关系这一主题,将艺术带入他们感到熟悉的环境,让京津园和其他亚洲餐厅成为提供艺术和教育的空间。自2009年以来, 京津夫妇用他们的美食,为当地社区服务了12年。让我感兴趣的是虽然业主自称从未翻新过这个空间, 但是他们用精心制作的食物为建筑和社区带来巨大的影响。当这对夫妇站在建筑物后时,我拍下了这张照片。在照片中,京津夫妇成为了他们赖以生存的那座房屋的一部分。这张照片记录了京津夫妇与历史建筑共存十二年的印记。

Barbara Reimer
Barbara Reimer predominately works with photography, digital media, and installation. Past and present work is influenced by documentary sculpture, “the responsible photograph”, the institution, travel, and the processes and materiality of experience. Educated in Saskatoon and Toronto, she also has an extensive background in the commercial photographic and digital specialist areas. Reimer has exhibited nationally and internationally, showing in Nicaragua, Canada, the US, and Wuhan, China.
Barbara Reimer 主要从事摄影、数字媒体和装置方面的工作。她的作品受到纪实雕塑、“负责任的照片”、机构、旅行以及体验的过程和物质性的影响。她曾在萨斯卡通和多伦多接受教育,在商业摄影和数字专业领域也拥有专业的实践。 Reimer 的作品曾在国内和国际上都有展出,例如在尼加拉瓜、加拿大、美国和中国。
Artist Statement|作品简介:
My practice of developing film in coffee started with a search to find “the responsible photograph” that led to travel, and a lot of discussion of how the photograph is made, processed and disseminated. (Finding a Green Photo, 2007-2013). For the Mixing Rice project, I have chosen to focus on the building itself: photographing with large and medium format studio cameras and still developing film in coffee, to create a snapshot portrait of Jin Jin Dumpling. Hopefully, this will show a bit of the physical history of Saskatoon’s Chinatown, and the processes of the project, while inviting conversation with the space, and the stories from within. Through JinJin Cuisine’s purposeful decision not to renovate, the building itself marks the history of its existence and the people that had a hand in building and feeding this community.
我对咖啡冲印的实践始于在旅行中寻找“负责任的照片”,并就照片的制作、处理和传播方式进行了大量讨论。 ( “寻找绿色照片” ,2007-2013)。对于MIXING RICE项目,我专注于建筑本身:用大画幅和中画幅相机拍摄,并用咖啡冲洗胶卷,以创建京津圆这座建筑的肖像。希望这能展示一些关于萨斯卡通唐人街的物理历史和项目的过程,同时在空间中邀请对话和民间故事。通过不进行翻修的决定,这座建筑标志着它历史的存在,以及京津园通过双手服务这个社区的人们。

Artwork in Jing Jin Cuisine
418 20th St W, Saskatoon
photo credit: Barbara Reimer